This blog will be a quick glance to my daily life through pictures. Hope I can share some inspiration and make you people in a better mood! Spend a cozy Sunday!
yay Essi! Glad to see you're still blogging - I was worried you completely disappeared from the blogsphere when I saw you disappeared from Instagram and your blog posts were gone too. But I'm excited to follow your new blog as well :)
Ihana sinä <3
VastaaPoistahihii <3
PoistaKiva katsella taas sun ottamia kuvia!! :)
VastaaPoistaVoi jes kiva kuulla!! :) Ei oikein toiminut et kuvailen päivät pitkät ja sit ne jää koneen tiedostoihin.. :D
PoistaJee Essi!
VastaaPoistaJee kiitti! Kun meininki pysyy rentona, niin on tää ihan parasta puuhaa :)
Poistayay Essi! Glad to see you're still blogging - I was worried you completely disappeared from the blogsphere when I saw you disappeared from Instagram and your blog posts were gone too. But I'm excited to follow your new blog as well :)
VastaaPoistaThanks Norah <3 I just wanted to wipe the slate clean without any commercial pressures.. :)